In my feline navigation through the world of cats, something interesting is always discovered.
Today I came across a feline curiosity site and my expression was: “Oh Miaoooo”
I found a post “17 Curiosities About Cats” and in 4th place was:
4 – A Cuccle a day
Petting a cat for a few minutes has positive effects on the human brain because it promotes the release of the “hormone of happiness”, or oxytocin. This hormone, in fact, helps relieve stress and lower the heart rate.
Did you see my face in the picture above? Do you know what this means? That if the human who keeps us at bay reads it we are finished … All 4 especially me.
I don’t like being pampered unless I decide.
My brothers still still … they let themselves be touched but I don’t! I run away almost every time Leila approaches.

As you can see, all 4 of us have a different opinion regarding caresses.
Well … My face says it all in the first photo. Taboo and mum think differently … They like to rub on Leila. Taboo does it when she wants to play and at that moment she also emits a meow … Thinking about it meows only at that moment and she says: Let me Play !!
Mum, on the other hand, likes to be pampered. As humans approach, she makes all the smirk.
She stretches and she wants to be stroked on her stomach and back. well let’s not forget the pandering when it comes to eating. Everything to see …
Separate chapter for Teo. As you can see he lives in contact. He likes to be in his arms. Feeling wrapped … Like at night he always wants to be between the legs … I don’t understand how he can be comfortable in certain positions.
Here’s what I tell you guys today 🙂
What do you think – Write me your story